How to establish yourself as an expert in your field

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It’s true, things are changing out there, and if you’re a business, you need to change with the times. These days, if you want to have any kind of market share you have to have what is commonly known as ‘authority’. People will only trust your marketing efforts and your company as an entity when you appear to have authority. Why? Well, there are hundreds of companies that do what you do. To step out from that particular group you need to show that you have something of worth. And knowing more than the other company does about your field immediately marks you out as a company worth listening to. Here are some quick tips and pointers to help you do this.

Your first real job is to establish through showing. This means making sure that your website and marketing materials show just how much of an expert your company is in your field. The true marketing magic comes in showing that your company has established a position of authority. This only comes when you show them rather than tell. It is easy to say that you are the best at what you do, but showing them through testimonials is one hundred times more effective.

Make content important

Expertise is also shown through expert content. Your company or organisation has to show that you know what you are talking about by providing content that people want to read. This means whitepapers, articles, press releases and so on. Make sure that you, or the writers that you hire, create content that your customers and prospective customers are truly interested in. It is of no use to create content that means nothing to them.

Expertise comes with showing that you are viewed as an expert. The simple solution here is to ensure that you have a lot of content all over the Internet. For example, a guest post on a highly ranking blog will guarantee that people will see you as someone who has insight and deep knowledge of their field. This means that people will then naturally gravitate towards you as someone they can trust. Pick any of the top companies today online and they will have acres of space devoted to them by the Web. This space may be on their own website and platforms, or it may be on other platforms, such as guest posting or articles they have created for other people.

You must develop authority online if your company or organisation is to be viewed as one that can be trusted and then bought from. This means hard work ensuring that content is relevant and up-to-date. Hire the best writers and marketers, and ensure that they produce the best content for you. This way you will be guaranteed high quality work that brings in leads for your company. Any company or organisation that does not build authority in this way will not be around for long.


If you are looking for support in managing your business in Somaliland and Somalia then get in touch with us here at Guul Group. We provide specialised Somali consultancy, marketing and project management that has helped Somali businesses thrive and manage their project goals throughout Africa. Guul’ meaning ‘success’ in the Somali language has been incorporated with the English word ‘Group’ to portray and highlight the amalgamation, collaboration and affiliation of successful Somali and foreign investors. Drawing upon extensive local knowledge, experience and contacts it is well placed to facilitate commercial activity with impact. 


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