Why invest in Somaliland?


Abundant investment opportunities (agriculture, energy, fisheries, hydrocarbons, minerals, livestock, salt, transport & logistics) adaptable labour force, a competitive daily minimum wage rate, strategic location and a private sector willing to collaborate with foreign partners. An 850km long coast with lots of pristine beaches, beautiful coral reefs, unique archaeological sites, rare flora and fauna, stunning mountain ranges and a year-round sunny warm climate.

Somaliland has the following unique advantages for investments

  • A stable political environment within the East African sub region, with established democratic institutions and systems to ensure good governance of the country
  • Abundant, adaptable and easily trainable labour force
  • A competitive daily minimum wage rate
  • No restrictions on issuance of work and residence permits to investors and employees
  • Good sea and air connections with Africa, Middle East
  • Strategic location within East Africa provides access to a market with an estimated population of 110 million people
  • Large potential for industrial base ranging from industries, agro-processing, plastics and metal work, clothing, textiles and wood processing
  • A dynamic private sector willing to collaborate with foreign partners
  • A committed and progressive government/private sector participation
  • Truly hospitable people

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