Virtual Partnership: Somaliland and the UK: Stability & Sustainable Development
Developing Markets Associates, in partnership with Guul Group is pleased to announce the virtual event, ‘Somaliland and the UK: Stability & Sustainable Development’ on 21st October 2020 10:00-12:00 GMT.
Opened by HE the President, this event will feature senior government ministers, GUUL Group and the private sector. Aimed at strengthening engagement with the UK, it will explore Somaliland’s well-established stability, potential and the government’s commitment to foreign direct investment.
In parallel to the main event, the Minister of Investment Promotion will be available for virtual ‘one-to-one’ sessions with potential and existing investors.
As a result of reduced movement from COVID19, businesses and government have moved online. This virtual event will capitalise on a new digitised platform which DMA has been Beta testing since the onset of COVID-19.
to reassure the private sector that the government is open and committed to foreign direct investment, whilst providing a platform for strengthening bilateral relations and outlining Somaliland’s investment opportunities post-COVID and post-Brexit.
This virtual event is part of DMA’s strong historic and ongoing relationship with Somaliland, and follows the success of the UK Somaliland Trade & Investment Forum in October 2014. It will further the engagement between the two governments and pave the way for a high-level trade mission in 2021 when it is safe and appropriate to travel.
As part of this new virtual offering, the event’s content will be available online as a permanent promotional tool for both governments, foreign missions, and Guul Group.