UK – Somaliland investment forum


UK – Somaliland Trade and Investment Forum is being organised on behalf of the Government of Somaliland, in partnership with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), and will be held in central London on 14th October. Guul Group has received an official invitation to be involved in what will be the centrepiece of the Somaliland government’s first significant overseas investment drive.

Hon Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, President of Somaliland will lead a senior government delegation, including five ministers and other senior officials. The President will open the forum before sector specific sessions on Energy & Mines, Agriculture & Infrastructure A number of, more intimate, ministerial roundtables will be held in the margins and we envisage a full schedule of bilateral meetings between government and the private sector also taking place. A private dinner for supporters and government dignitaries will be held the evening before the event. A platform to engage with the government at a strategic level; exposure to senior figures from the leading companies investing in Somaliland (Bollore, Genel Energy etc) and the opportunity to get together with 350 members of the international business and investment community.

This event is organised by DMA, who pecialise in mobilising capital to emerging markets. They regularly host investment summits for sovereign African governments and these are widely recognised as amongst the most productive investment fora globally. In the past five years, they have hosted over 220 heads of state and cabinet ministers, facilitating over $8bn in new investment into the world’s emerging economies (this figure is based on the UK FCO’s own readouts of DMA events).


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