Renewable Energy project

“As part of the overall @DanishMFA greening initiatives, our #Hargeisa office is fully powered by #solar. This did not go un noticed – our neighbour @AmbHotelHGA got inspired & has installed a 460 panel solar plant that helps reduce the hotel’s energy costs by 60%”.

Ambassador goes green against global warming. #Solar #Energy #GoneGreen #AHH20 #ClimateChange #COP26 #NetZero #Sustainability.

Over the last 9 months we have assisted @AmbHotelHGA with assesments, a feasibility study & #Investment into 460 panel solar plant that has already helped reduce the hotel’s energy costs by 60%. Currently seeking battery banks for 99% reliable energy from #solar #somaliland

As part of Guul’s sustainable & long-term green investment strategies, we will focus on enabling clean energy transition, increasing biodiversity & supporting companies like @AmbHotelHGA to reduce CO2 emissions & rebranding as #green. #greenfinance #bluefinance

It was a real pleasure to have received the Danish Delegation, as far as @DanishMFA. Admiration; @MatKjaer on pushing the renewable energy agenda, showing us, first hand; the hotel would not have appreciated the benefits of the solar system.


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