Careers – crème de la crème

Guul Group has created many jobs and plans to create 100s more direct and indirect jobs including the youth and women in the region. The vision of the company for human capital development is to create further jobs, provide equal opportunities and harness the potential of the people to promote growth. The company employs with the company’s ‘tribe’ in mind; this is one’s ability, educational background, commitment to Guul Group and motivation to deliver the best service for customers & clients. A selection and recruitment process with a bias towards those that are business sensitive, intuitive and have ideas. We look for ambassadors of the brand, people that bring the brand to life and shared enthusiasm as well as belief in GG being contagious in attracting new staff and customers. Productivity and performance are imperative; however taking pride and an active part in the brand’s welfare is as vital. We look for leaders that share the same value in driving the company forward, that have dreams & aspiration and ensure a great customer experience. At Guul Group positive employees make positive customers.

We seek to hire great people of high calibre and encourage them to achieve their potential. We believe in hard work, a fun, open atmosphere, and the autonomy to push one’s limits. We are a small, close-knit group that enjoys learning from each other. We’re less afraid of making mistakes than we are of losing opportunities. The biggest risk is actually not taking a risk.

Our motto: Patience, Persistence, Perseverance and Prayer.


Those who work hard reap the rewards. Here are a few perks that everyone gets when they join our team:

City centre offices with a mountain view of Hargeisa and its outskirts

Join us
We are always on the lookout for experienced consultants to work with us;

  • Management Consultants a minimum of 2 years of experience at a renowned consulting agency
  • Industry experts a minimum of 3 years of experience in the respective industry
  • Financial experts background with prestigious investment banks
  • Start-up experts successful founders, digital pioneers and innovation managers

Ready to join our team?


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